So i had my first day of school today. and it was just as awesome as i thought it would be. first off it was like a billion and four degrees over there. the air conditioning system was pretty sweet. i have to say thought that it really wasnt a problem at all. the people were so nice that it more than made up for feeling like i was in a sauna of fire the whole day.
I met a lot of people.. most of them girls. and strangly got a lot of kawaiis. they seemed to come up to me in drones then tell me their names really fast and then they would say. Ok now you say name. and i would sit there and stare until they figured out i had no idea. but besides that i got a lot of questions about sports language and miami. Also people are really interested by my hair. at first they were reluctant and tried to back away from the issue of my hair. but in due time they started to push forward into the question can i feel it? and there it starts many people felt for a long time. i even had a group of like 10 guys around my table at lunch reaching across to get some of the good stuff. One of them actually called my hair creamy which got a huge laugh from others.
Introducing yourself at this school is a horor. people just sit there and stare at you well after your done so you feel like a complete idiot just standing there waiting to be told you can sit. School didnt go on for very long though. i was only there from 8 am to 8 pm. there was soo much to do it was amazing. for the most part i hung out with the soccer team because my host brother is on it. but i also went into the band room and listened to them. went to the traditional dance room and then every time i passed it afterward they would Jump out of the room to get a picture .
anyway first period was i have no idea what class that was. followed by english where i had to read a story about yo yo ma and his life. next was like social studies or something i have no idea what it was. followed by P.E (i played a feirce game of badmitton against my host bro then with him against 2 other people. they wanted me to play some basketball but i said that i would do that tomorrow. after P.E was japanese. and at this point i might as well have been pure sweat. it was the middle of the day. sun a blazin and humid as hell. not to mention that i had just been running around. anyway next was something in the libary where i just talked to some of the other boys at my table. and they taught me the word for alien head (gatpai). after this was lunch where i ate with the soccer team in what seemed like an all boy resturant. this is where we had that creamy experience as well as many other little laughs like when i just kept saying oo instead of good and they just kept saying it after me.
anyway the rest of the day is pretty much nothing until after school. there i ran into chika
not the best picture i have but its the only one i have on this camera so yeah anyway we basically walked around the school and talked for like 1 or 2 hours or something like that. she speaks amazing english. i also ran into a girl who looks 100% not japanese. i later learned her dad is english and her mom is japanese but she was born here so yeah. i have no pictures on this camera but im sure i will when i actually talk to her.

after that long talk with chika i went back down to the soccer feild to talk to the two soccer girls on the team (they just fill the water bottles) anyway their names were masayo and amika. both very awesome. we talked for like an hour and a half about nothing in particular. no pictures of them at the moment. i also ran into hisae on the way around the school and we played some uno with like 2 other girls

ahh yes and lastly there was a point in the day where i went to to a to a class to learn to make clothes. i made this beastly peice of fabric
. some call me more than i man but less than a god.. i like to think they are right.

thats basically it for today. i probably could write more but i really should go hang out with some family or go to sleep whichever works. cya
Is that a shirt with Wolverine? XD
ReplyDeleteAnyway, must've been a great day! :D I think the hair stuff was the funniest. It'd be kinda weird to have people saying things like "creamy" about my hair. I can only imagine what that must've been like!
Can't wait to hear more soon! :)
haha i dont have time to make an actual post today but i will tomorrow since thier is no school. but today i got another weird hair comment. someone called it oishi :D
ReplyDeleteand yes its a wolverine shirt :P